How to Crush Insects


If you have ever seen my pinterest page you know I LOVE crushed insects! I have a whole board dedicated to sharing pics of them. And the idea of stepping on one of these little bratty creatures may intrigue you. It may ignite a fire in you that can only be put out by making it so big it burns itself out. So, just crush some insects!

Here is how to crush insects, to satisfy you.

1. Find an Insect: Locate an insect. Size dosen't really matter but you are going to want to find an insect of a certain build, one that will make a satisfying CHRUNCH! when you crush it. Insects with soft(ish) shells seem to be the most fitting for this. Bellow are some image examples of this...

Now, I understand that it sounds APPALING to bite into one of these, but just imigane the texture when you bite into the insect in question? Is it soft and chewy? Hard at first but then chewy? The latter would be best.

2. Prepare: Now, whether you are going to do it with your bare hands (kinda gross ngl) or if you are going to use an object (such as a rock, piece of paper, tissue, hard plastic object, etc), you need to be prepared, both mentally and physically. Place your object a couple of feet above the insect, and be ready to move fast.

3. DO IT!!!! Now, move the object or your hand close to the insect as fast as you can. Repeat the smashing a couple of times at the same speed, and the bug will be 100 percent dead. Congrats, btw. You have now crushed an insect the JoJo Jones way!!!!!!!!!!!

Hope this helped you crush an insect, or maybe it was just entertaining. Whatever, thanks for reading.
