I’m Engaged

 Yesterday, at about 8 AM in the morning, there was a knock on the door. The only person it could be? Corey, my boyfriend and former fiancé. I opened the door and he was wearing a tuxedo. “Get dressed,” he said, “I have a surprise for you”. I was wearing my sleeping outfit (jeans and a sweatshirt that says, “Eat More Children”) and felt underdressed in comparison. But, I got dressed in a vintage 1800s dress that I had updated to look super modern and my 2 foot heels. Now I was 6 feet tall!!!!!

He drove me to McDonalds in his Lamborghini. I was a bit confused because McDonald’s is our favorite restrant but we both agreed the breakfast is subpar. He stopped right in front of the doors, got out, and so did I.

Then he got down one knee, and said the words I had been waiting for, “Will you marry me, JoJo?” I screamed with joy and vomited with happiness and said, “yea bruh”. 

Although it would have been less physically painful if he had proposed at my house, I think it’s nice that he did it outside of the best restaurant ever. Thanks for everything, Corey. Look forward to spending many long and boring years with you to come :).
