Meet My Newest Boyfriend: James Colbat


My new boyfriend, James, is 27 years old and from London, England. He and I are in an amazing long-distance relationship-we video chat mutiple times per day and text almost 24/7. Being of different time zones proves challenging, however. He is often asleep when I am in the prime of my day-and vice versa. However, my insect food buissness allows me to work later hours in order to multitask and chat with him while I work. Since I am a billionare, I can also send money to him to get him days off of work. :)

James is an University of Cambridge graduate and he currently works for AstraZeneca at their Cambridge facilty.

He's not active on social media because of the confidently/importance of his job.

Lucky for me, James will be flying in to visit on Friday so I will get to spend the weekend with him! We will go on a date or ten :) and IT WILL BE SO MUCH FUN! Maybe he will get along well with my twins on the way and my daughter, Billie.
