Hey everybody, I know you guys LOVE my content so freaking much (thanks by the way), so I have decided to give you even more of the content you love. Welcome to the brand new Crushed Insects blog! Unlike my Pinterest, I will post a lot more wordy content, but less of it. So you may only get 3 posts per week. But, like I said, it's a lot more wordy. I'm so excited to be able to share more about my life with you people and aliens, and maybe you can learn something useful, like how to outrun a sloth or whether or not your an emo, goth furry or scene.

Similur to my Pinterest, I will post pictures of crushed insects and various other things. You will get a deeper look into my pictures, personal life, and relationship drama. So sit back and enjoy the ride :)

-JoJo Jones, Blogger, Billionare, 5 Star Celeb :)
